print $node_det->field_strapline['und'][0]['value'];?>We see an opportunity to brand Sweden as an IoT-nation. The Swedish standards, values, participatory processes and the overall Scandinavian design model could help place Sweden on the map, once again making Sweden into a testbed and innovation hub in the world.
The results presented here are from the Vinnova-funded project report Consumer-Facing Internet of Things and a result of the joint work of:
Kristina Höök, Maria Holm, Vincent Lewandowski, Johanna Mercurio,
Mobile Life at KTH and SICS
Jonas Löwgren, Internet of Things & People, Malmö University
Eva-Carin Banka Johnson, IKEA Future Homes
Darja Isaksson, Anders Mellbratt, Ziggy Creative Colony,
Jan Markendahl, Konrad Tollmar, Mårten Sundquist, Wireless@KTH,
Anna Karlsson, Katarina Ivarsson, Marco D’Adamo, Boris Design Studio
Lars Gullikson, Arvax Invest
Mikael Anneroth, Jan Höller, Ericsson Research
Petra Sundström, Towe Ressman, Husqvarna Group
Dina Titkova, Björn De Jounge, Biosync Technology
Annika Waern, Mareike Glöss, Uppsala University
Thiemo Voigt, Joakim Ericsson, SICS
Barry Brown, Stockholm University
Christer Norström, WeMeMove and SICS
Stefan Andersson, Sophiahemmet
Contact : Kristina Höök,

Also See:
Barry BrownJohanna Mercurio
Kristina Höök
Maria Holm
Vincent Lewandowski
Stockholm UniversityVINNOVA
The Royal Institute of Technology
Ziggy Creative Colony