Arts & Crafts
The S T R A T I C audiovisual project is based on the phenomenon that occurs when filming a pulsating light – lines appear on the screen. The thickness, color and movement of these lines are directly related to the frequency of the sound. In other words, the sound generates the visuals in real-time. The visuals are examined by the use of shutter speed and frame rate of a camera. In this project we explore the interactive potential through our live performances and the space for aesthetic expression by synthesizing the audio and the visuals. The project relates to the genre of visual music and abstraction in the arts and creates a synesthetic experience for the audience. We find it highly relevant to CHI since it concerns aspects of materiality at the intersection of the analog and the digital.

Published in:
CHI Interactivity, Extended Abstract, CHI 2016, San Jose, California, USA.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - 13:30