Designing Supple Systems
print $node_det->field_strapline['und'][0]['value'];?>In this project, we wish to develop a process for rapid, integrated, development of supple systems. We will focus our efforts on building so-called life-style applications, mobile systems that are tightly integrated into our every-day lives, as their advanced use of technology highlights the challenges for future applications of supple systems – be it in factories, vehicles, or applications on our mobile phones. The systems developed within the project will explore new materials, such as fabric or paper, integrated with sensors and wireless technologies.

Also See:
Web Page:
Anna StåhlJakob Tholander
Jordi Solsona
Kristina Höök
Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila
Petra Sundström
Jarmo Laaksolahti
Elsa Kosmack Vaara
Connected Projects:
SICS Swedish ICTEricsson
Microsoft research
City of Stockholm Municipality