Result under "Generalised Interaction Models"Technology for sustainability and sustainable living must be designed to work in harmony with the ways that people lead their lives. The project is a collaborative endeavors between environmental scientists, interaction designers and engineers address challenges in finding creative and novel ways of sustainable design. We have, by connecting to social networks and social media, designed a mobile application that through aesthetic, bodily and value-oriented interactions allow for engaging experiences around everyday environmental choices. By combing people’s everyday grocery shopping behavior with analysis of social media, the Eco-friends application attempts to provide a subjective view on the current season of various fruits and vegetables. Through analysis of people’s twittering and blogging about fruits and vegetable Ecofriends portrays various seasons through three subjective voices: friends, experts, and everyday people. These are presented in a form of interaction that is aesthetically challenging by breaking some of the norms of current mobile application design. Together these voices provides a socially-based system that aims at inspiring users to reflect on their everyday environment grocery shopping.
The Ecofriends application was designed to encourage people to reflect on their everyday grocery shopping from social and ecological perspectives.

Also See:
Anna StåhlJakob Tholander
Maria Normark
Mattias Jacobsson
Elsa Kosmack Vaara
Connected Projects:
Generalised Interaction Models