Affective Diary
Result under "Bodily Experiences"Affective Diary is a digital diary application. Using a mobile phone, a bio sensor armband and a tablet PC the diary collects the data you produce in you daily life, displaying them on a timeline to visualise your day. This helps the user link daily events and bodily experiences, facilitating our interpretations and reflections on those. In the diary you can organise and comment upon the recorded data, thereby creating your own stories and reflections; your own understanding of what is going on in your life. Affective Diary is a digital diary application. Using a mobile phone and a bio sensor armband the diary collects the data you produce in you daily life, displaying them on a timeline to visualise your day using a tablet PC. This helps the user link daily events and bodily experiences, facilitating our interpretations and reflections on those. In the diary you can organise and comment upon the recorded data, thereby creating your own stories and reflections; your own understanding of what is going on in your life.

The System
Also See:
Anna StåhlKristina Höök
Connected Projects:
Bodily Experiences
Affective Health